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The wolves are coming for Kurt Volker

House impeachment investigators are probing whether President Donald Trump, or anyone in his inner circle, directed the president’s former special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, to press Ukrainian senior officials to shut down a criminal investigation of ex-President Petro Poroshenko,…

Wayne Thiebaud’s “Stuffed” |

At ninety-nine, Wayne Thiebaud—one of America’s greatest painters, and certainly its premier painter of food—is still going strong. This is Thiebaud’s ninth cover for the magazine, and it riffs on one of his previous paintings, an image of a turkey…

Bryan Washington Makes Soondubu Jiggae |

Learning to make soondubu jjigae is more complicated than following a list of ingredients and steps; the process changes each time, according to the chef’s mood. “I first tasted gochujang because of a boy,” Bryan Washington says, of his introduction…